4 Tips for Writing Stellar Dartmouth Essays

What Are the Dartmouth Essay Prompts?

The Dartmouth essay prompts can vary from year to year, so it's important to check the official Dartmouth College website for the most up-to-date prompts. However, I can provide an overview of the types of prompts Dartmouth has used in the past:

1. Common Application Essay: Dartmouth typically requires applicants to submit the Common Application essay, which gives you the opportunity to share a personal story or reflect on a topic of your choice. This prompt allows for flexibility and encourages you to showcase your unique experiences, perspectives, and writing style.

2. Supplemental Essays: Dartmouth also includes supplemental essay prompts that are specific to the college. These prompts may ask you to explore certain aspects of Dartmouth's academic programs, campus culture, or values. For example, a prompt may ask you to discuss how you might contribute to Dartmouth's collaborative community or how a particular academic program aligns with your interests and goals.

3. Other Prompts: In addition to the Common Application and supplemental essays, Dartmouth may have additional prompts for specific programs, scholarships, or honors programs. These prompts may ask you to delve deeper into your academic interests, research experiences, or community involvement.

It's essential to thoroughly read and understand each essay prompt before you start writing. Take note of any specific instructions, word limits, or additional guidelines provided. Remember that Dartmouth's prompts are designed to assess your fit with the college, your ability to articulate your thoughts effectively, and your alignment with Dartmouth's values and aspirations.

When responding to the essay prompts, be authentic, reflective, and specific. Use vivid examples, personal anecdotes, and concrete details to support your ideas. Consider how your experiences, interests, and goals align with Dartmouth's academic programs, resources, and community. Show your enthusiasm for learning, collaboration, and intellectual growth.

Lastly, ensure that your essays are well-structured, coherent, and free of grammatical errors. Proofread your work carefully and consider seeking feedback from trusted mentors or teachers to help polish your essays.

Remember that the essay prompts are an opportunity to highlight your unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives. Approach the prompts with thoughtfulness, creativity, and a genuine desire to share your story.

Dartmouth essay prompts for 2021-2022

Please note that the essay prompts for Dartmouth College may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to visit Dartmouth's official website or check the Common Application portal for the current application cycle. However, I can provide an overview of the essay prompts used in the 2021-2022 application cycle as an example:

1. Common Application Essay: The Common Application essay is required for all applicants. The prompt for the 2021-2022 cycle was as follows: "Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?" This prompt allowed applicants to share a personal story or reflection that highlights their values, experiences, and character.

2. Dartmouth Writing Supplement: In addition to the Common Application essay, Dartmouth requires applicants to respond to specific supplemental essay prompts. The prompts for the 2021-2022 cycle were as follows:

   a. Why Dartmouth?: This prompt asked applicants to explain why they are interested in attending Dartmouth and how their specific interests align with the college's academic programs, resources, and community.


   b. Choose Your Own Prompt: Dartmouth also provided an option for applicants to choose a prompt that allows them to share something meaningful about themselves or their experiences. This open-ended prompt encouraged applicants to showcase their unique qualities, perspectives, or accomplishments.

It's important to note that essay prompts can change from year to year, so it's crucial to check Dartmouth's official website or the Common Application for the most up-to-date prompts. When responding to the prompts, take the time to understand the question, reflect on your experiences and values, and craft a compelling narrative that demonstrates your fit with Dartmouth's academic environment, community, and values.

Remember to approach the essays with authenticity, clarity, and a genuine desire to share your story. Use concrete examples, personal anecdotes, and thoughtful reflections to make your essays stand out. Edit and proofread your essays carefully, seeking feedback from trusted mentors or teachers to ensure that your writing is polished and compelling.

For the most accurate information and specific essay prompts, please refer to the official Dartmouth College website or the Common Application portal. https://home.dartmouth.edu/

How to Write Great Dartmouth Essays

Writing great Dartmouth essays requires careful thought, preparation, and a deep understanding of what the college values. Here are some tips to help you craft outstanding Dartmouth essays:

1. Understand Dartmouth's Values: Before you start writing, take the time to research and understand Dartmouth's mission, values, and unique characteristics. Explore the college's website, read about its programs, and delve into the Dartmouth community. Understanding Dartmouth's ethos will help you align your essays with their expectations and demonstrate your fit with the institution.

2. Reflect on Your Personal Experiences: Dartmouth values authenticity and seeks students who bring diverse perspectives and experiences. Reflect on your life journey, identifying moments, challenges, or accomplishments that have shaped you. Consider how these experiences connect with Dartmouth's emphasis on collaboration, intellectual curiosity, or global engagement. Be introspective and genuine in your writing.

3. Showcase Your Passions and Intellectual Curiosity: Dartmouth is renowned for its strong academic environment, so highlight your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning. Emphasize specific academic interests, research projects, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment to your field of interest. Discuss how Dartmouth's resources and community can support and enhance your academic pursuits.

4. Connect with Dartmouth's Community: Dartmouth places a high value on community and seeks students who will actively contribute to campus life. Showcase how you can make a positive impact through your involvement in clubs, organizations, or community service. Highlight your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, or initiatives that align with Dartmouth's spirit of collaboration.

5. Be Specific and Engaging: Avoid generic statements and clichés. Instead, use concrete examples, vivid details, and storytelling techniques to make your essays engaging and memorable. Show, rather than tell, by providing specific evidence of your experiences, skills, and achievements. Incorporate personal anecdotes, research findings, or specific instances that showcase your character and potential contributions to Dartmouth's community.

6. Edit and Revise: Once you have written your essays, take the time to edit and revise them. Ensure your ideas flow logically, your writing is clear and concise, and there are no grammatical or spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to gain different perspectives and improve the overall quality of your essays.

Remember that Dartmouth essays provide an opportunity for you to showcase your unique voice, experiences, and aspirations. Be authentic, thoughtful, and passionate in your writing. Demonstrate your alignment with Dartmouth's values, academic rigor, and community spirit. With careful preparation and attention to detail, you can write great Dartmouth essays that captivate the admissions committee and increase your chances of admission.
