Advanced Git Commands for Academic Collaborations

Git is an important platform in programming and software development. Developers use it to track source code changes in projects. It is a dynamic and agile platform that allows groups of developers to collaborate on non-linear development.  During projects, multiple users can clone repositories. They can implement changes locally and in a central repository. In college, students can use Git to share codes. They may develop repositories and invite other students to contribute. Learners can use GitHub collaboration in software development with remotely located students. The platform facilitates teamwork among learners. Useful git commands can help improve student teamwork and collaboration.

Using GitHub to manage complex projects

Managing complex projects requires planning and collaboration. In git usage, students can build large teams to support each other's work on projects. Each person needs to play their role effectively. The entire project must be brought into a centralized place to minimize conflicts. Advanced git commands allow students to manage and complete complex projects.

Git Stash for instance allows users to save changes. Git status provides users with insights into project status. Git rebase helps clean out history such as clone a branch git history. GIF diff shows how your project differs from the latest commit. Git rebase updates all features committed in git merge. If a student wants to quickly search code, they use the command git grep. Git rev-list helps perform complex searches.

Working with git files requires users to issue file permissions correctly. Permission problems in files or directories cause the ‘permission denied in the Terminal’ issue. The error means the system cannot complete the issued command. When the error appears, your first step should be to get solutions. Fixing the permission denied in the Terminal depends on the type of error that caused it. If you get a zsh permission denied error, you need to fix your Z shell settings. Zsh shell works over bash and you need to install the right framework to allow the configuration to work.

Sharing codes with student teams

One of the effective ways to use git in education is to share code. To do this, the learner creates a repository for their project. They can invite other student teams to join. Once they join, they begin to contribute to the code. Code sharing with learner teams helps keep your project organized.

It is a useful strategy for avoiding conflict. Disagreements may come when different learners are working on similar codebases. The git init command allows learners to create a new Git repository. The student first creates a directory and then inputs the git init command. They write the code and use the git add command to add it to the file.

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Learning from other students

GitHub features an array of open resource projects. Other users create and add the projects and allow public access. These projects are useful for building student skills. They can improve the projects to build their programming experience. Many useful Git commands allow students to learn on the GitHub open-source environment.

  • Git clone - for creating copies of remote repositories. The git clone master allows users to clone all branches.
  • Git commit - for committing changes in a repository
  • Git add - for adding changes
  • Git branch - to create isolated environments
  • Git push - to push local commits
  • Git merge - to merge changes across branches.

Working on group assignments

GitHub allows students to work on group assignments effectively. The git remote add helps users add group projects. A user may want to keep their code independent. They use the command $ git checkout -b and add the group name. If they need to switch branches, they use the command $ git checkout and type the brand name. The command to create an assignment for members can be assignment-1-student-team.  Adding a remote team requires the command git remote add <remote name> <remote URL>

Merging changes

The goal of GitHub goes beyond working as a code repository. It allows collaboration in a wide range of ways. The hub lets students experiment with different ways of working on projects. When a student wants to view the history of changes made in a project, they can use a command to merge them.

The git merge lets them bring all changes in a git branch into one place. To effect the command, the student must use the git log to get the commit hash. After that, they need to run the git revert -m1 <merge-commit-hash> command.


GitHub provides a platform for student collaboration. They can use it to manage complex projects and streamline workflows. Learners can use git commands to create a repository and share codes. They can learn from the open-source projects uploaded by the git community. Commands such as git checkout allow users to move to another branch. Git diff allows them the differences with other branches.
