CUNY vs SUNY: What's the Difference?

What Are SUNY Schools?

The State University of New York (SUNY) system is a comprehensive public university system in the state of New York, consisting of 64 campuses across the state. SUNY schools offer a wide range of academic programs and degrees, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. The system encompasses community colleges, technical colleges, comprehensive colleges, and research universities.

SUNY schools are known for their affordability, accessibility, and quality education. They provide opportunities for students to pursue various fields of study and offer resources for research, internships, and experiential learning. The campuses are diverse and cater to students with different interests and goals.

Some of the notable SUNY schools include:

1. University at Albany:

Located in the state capital, Albany, it is a research-intensive institution known for its programs in business, social sciences, and public policy.

2. Binghamton University:

Recognized for its strong academic reputation, Binghamton offers programs in liberal arts, sciences, business, engineering, and more.

3. University at Buffalo:

With a comprehensive range of programs, including health sciences, engineering, business, and architecture, UB is the largest public university in the state.

4. Stony Brook University:

A leading research institution, Stony Brook is known for its programs in health sciences, engineering, computer science, and marine sciences.

5. SUNY Geneseo:

A liberal arts college with a strong focus on undergraduate education, Geneseo offers programs in humanities, sciences, and professional fields.

6. SUNY New Paltz:

Known for its arts programs, New Paltz offers a vibrant arts community and a wide range of majors in areas such as fine arts, performing arts, education, and business.

7. SUNY Purchase College:

Emphasizing arts and culture, Purchase College is renowned for its programs in visual arts, performing arts, film, and media.

These are just a few examples, and SUNY schools offer a diverse range of programs and opportunities across various disciplines. Each campus has its own unique strengths and campus culture, allowing students to find the right fit for their educational and personal goals.

Overall, SUNY schools provide a high-quality education at an affordable cost, making them an attractive option for students seeking a public university experience in New York.

What Are CUNY Schools?

The City University of New York (CUNY) system is a public university system located in New York City. It consists of 25 campuses, including 11 senior colleges, 7 community colleges, a graduate school, a law school, a medical school, and several specialized institutions. CUNY is the largest urban university system in the United States and offers a wide range of academic programs and degrees.

CUNY schools are known for their accessibility, diversity, and commitment to providing quality education to students from all backgrounds. They offer affordable tuition rates, making higher education more accessible to a larger population. CUNY schools provide a variety of programs across disciplines such as liberal arts, sciences, business, education, health sciences, and more.

The senior colleges within the CUNY system are:

1. Baruch College:

A renowned business school offering undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration, finance, marketing, and more.

2. Brooklyn College:

Known for its strong liberal arts and sciences programs, offering a wide range of majors and degrees.

3. City College of New York (CCNY):

One of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in the CUNY system, offering programs in engineering, architecture, liberal arts, and sciences.

4. Hunter College:

A liberal arts college known for its strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

5. John Jay College of Criminal Justice:

Specializing in criminal justice, forensic science, and related fields, preparing students for careers in law enforcement, public safety, and criminal justice.

6. Lehman College:

A comprehensive college offering programs in the liberal arts and sciences, education, business, nursing, and more.

7. Queens College:

Known for its diverse academic programs, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and education.

CUNY also includes community colleges such as Bronx Community College, Hostos Community College, Kingsborough Community College, and more. These community colleges provide associate degree programs and serve as a pathway for students to transfer to four-year colleges within the CUNY system or other institutions.

CUNY schools offer a supportive learning environment, experienced faculty, research opportunities, and various student services to enhance the educational experience. The campuses are located in different neighborhoods across New York City, offering students access to a vibrant and culturally diverse city.

Overall, CUNY schools provide affordable and quality higher education options for students in New York City, enabling them to pursue their academic and career goals while benefiting from the resources and opportunities available in the city.

CUNY vs SUNY Schools

CUNY (City University of New York) and SUNY (State University of New York) are two distinct public university systems in the state of New York. While both systems offer quality education and a range of academic programs, there are some key differences between CUNY and SUNY schools.

1. Governance and Structure:

   - CUNY: CUNY is governed by the City University of New York Board of Trustees and is primarily located in New York City. It consists of senior colleges, community colleges, and specialized institutions.

   - SUNY: SUNY is governed by the State University of New York Board of Trustees and comprises 64 campuses throughout the state, including universities, colleges, and community colleges.

2. Focus and Mission:

   - CUNY: CUNY's mission is to provide accessible higher education to a diverse student population, with an emphasis on serving the needs of New York City. It offers programs across various disciplines, including liberal arts, sciences, business, education, health sciences, and more.

   - SUNY: SUNY's mission is to provide high-quality education, research, and outreach to the people of New York State. It offers a wide range of academic programs and has a broader geographic reach compared to CUNY, with campuses located across the state.

3. Admissions:

   - CUNY: Admissions to CUNY schools are selective, and each college within the CUNY system sets its own admission requirements. Factors such as high school GPA, standardized test scores, and other criteria are considered during the admissions process.

   - SUNY: SUNY schools have varying levels of selectivity, with some campuses being more competitive than others. Admissions criteria typically include high school GPA, standardized test scores, and sometimes additional requirements specific to certain programs or campuses.

4. Tuition and Affordability:

   - CUNY: CUNY schools are known for their affordability, especially for New York residents. Tuition rates are lower compared to many other public and private institutions, making CUNY schools accessible to a wide range of students.

   - SUNY: SUNY schools also offer relatively affordable tuition rates, particularly for New York state residents. However, tuition costs may vary among different campuses and programs within the SUNY system.

5. Campus Locations and Size:

   - CUNY: CUNY schools are primarily located in New York City, offering students the opportunity to study in an urban environment with access to the city's resources and cultural experiences. The campuses vary in size and may have a more intimate feel compared to larger SUNY campuses.

   - SUNY: SUNY campuses are spread throughout New York State, offering students a diverse range of locations, from rural to suburban and urban settings. Some SUNY campuses are large, with expansive campuses and a wide range of facilities.

It's important to note that both CUNY and SUNY systems offer quality education, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences, academic goals, program offerings, location, and other factors. It's recommended for prospective students to research specific colleges within each system to determine which best aligns with their needs and aspirations.

How to Decide Between SUNY and CUNY Schools

Deciding between SUNY (State University of New York) and CUNY (City University of New York) schools can be a significant decision for prospective students. While both systems offer quality education, there are several factors to consider when making your choice:

1. Program Offerings:

Research the specific academic programs offered at SUNY and CUNY schools. Look into the majors, minors, and specializations available to determine if they align with your academic and career goals. Consider the depth and breadth of the programs, faculty expertise, and research opportunities.

2. Campus Environment:

Consider the campus environment and location that best suits your preferences. CUNY schools are primarily located in New York City, offering a vibrant urban setting with access to cultural experiences and professional opportunities. SUNY campuses are spread across New York State, ranging from rural to suburban and urban settings. Think about the size, campus facilities, and community atmosphere that resonate with you.

3. Affordability:

Evaluate the tuition costs and financial aid options at both SUNY and CUNY schools. CUNY schools are generally known for their affordability, particularly for New York residents, while SUNY schools also offer relatively affordable tuition rates, especially for in-state students. Consider the financial aspects and compare the overall costs, including tuition, fees, and living expenses.

4. Reputation and Rankings:

Examine the reputation and rankings of the specific schools and programs you are interested in within the SUNY and CUNY systems. While rankings should not be the sole determining factor, they can provide insights into academic quality, faculty expertise, and student outcomes.

5. Campus Visits and Interactions:

Whenever possible, visit the campuses of the SUNY and CUNY schools you are considering. Attend information sessions, take a tour, and interact with current students and faculty members. This firsthand experience can give you a better sense of the campus culture, resources, and support services available.

6. Personal Preferences and Fit:

Ultimately, it's important to choose a school that aligns with your personal preferences and provides an environment where you feel comfortable and supported. Consider factors such as class sizes, student-faculty ratio, extracurricular activities, internship and career opportunities, and overall campus community.

7. Consult with Advisors and Mentors:

Seek guidance from high school counselors, teachers, mentors, and family members who can provide valuable insights and advice based on their experiences. They may be able to offer personalized recommendations or help you weigh the pros and cons of SUNY and CUNY schools based on your specific circumstances.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when deciding between SUNY and CUNY schools. It's crucial to carefully evaluate your priorities, academic interests, financial considerations, and personal preferences to make an informed decision. Research, campus visits, and conversations with advisors can help you gain a better understanding of each system's offerings and determine which is the best fit for you.


In conclusion, SUNY and CUNY are two distinct public university systems in New York State. While both offer quality education and a wide range of academic programs, there are notable differences to consider. CUNY schools are primarily located in New York City, providing an urban setting and access to professional opportunities, while SUNY campuses are spread across the state in various settings. Affordability is a key factor, with CUNY known for its affordability, particularly for New York residents, and SUNY offering relatively affordable tuition rates. Reputation, campus environment, and personal fit also play important roles in the decision-making process. It is essential for prospective students to carefully evaluate their academic and career goals, financial considerations, and personal preferences to make an informed decision between CUNY and SUNY.
