7 Colleges Which Provide A Course On Harry Potter

Most of us grew up watching Harry Potter and all his adventures. Something so captivating, filled with trial and victory over the magical world. J.K. Rowling's novels proved to be best-selling books and some of the time's most awaited films. 

There's no end to the adventure, though. We all want our classes to have more imaginative content than numbers and equations! There's nothing like stepping into the magical world and exploring the Harry Potter saga. There's something incredibly captivating about Harry Potter's wizarding world. These courses have meant to get closer to the real Harry Potter adventures!

Would you ever like to go to Hogwarts? Harry Potter fans worldwide can now register for online and offline courses offered by various institutes and communities.  Hogwartsishere is one of the websites that provides an open online course. 

There are many rewards for potential wizards and Muggles, such as being sorted into one of the four houses, entering a school, and taking classes from the Harry Potter series. Students receive a digital owl with their "official" letter of acceptance from Hogwarts when they enroll. 

Students can then choose their own houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin), enter a dormitory, and attend classes. Students can also go to Diagon Alley to buy items on their list, such as school books and a pet consisting of an owl, cat, or toad. First-year courses include Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of magic, potions, herbology. 

Take A Look At Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry.

It's time to make your wish come true. Hogwarts is real. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is known for the easiest school admission. Immediately, you're struck by how much it looks like a technical college, beckoning you with bright student photos. 

Perhaps the best school admission on the planet features this online version of Hogwarts. Only click a button and fill in a form with a few fields to automatically create your official letter of acceptance. It even comes with Minerva McGonagall's "signing." You can choose your own house after you sign. 

You can also open a safe of Gringotts that comes with galleons, sickles, and knuts to buy supplies. The site comes complete with real assignments for wizarding courses. There are no deadlines for transforming into your completed work, unlike a real learning institution.

7 Colleges that offer a Harry Potter course 

Believe it or not, many colleges will allow you to go back to Harry Potter's wizarding world and experience the magical world in greater depth. 

University of Western Ontario

'The Many Faces of Harry Potter' is a course offered by the University of Western Ontario. Students may apply the beloved series to several other genres, including detective fiction, gothic, adventure, dystopian, and fantasy. 

An exciting aspect of this course is that students must also think critically about how novels have turned into movies. If you want to discover the different themes of the show, from finding one's own self to friendship and deception. 

Georgetown University

As seen in Harry in his seven years at Hogwarts, the class offered by Georgetown University - "Knights of Old & Harry Potter," explores how different factors and interactions contribute to the development of one's sense of self. 

It is an excellent choice for students/fans who want to dive into Harry Potter's theoretical scene. J.K. Rowling is the writer of the Harry Potter series and the founder of a vast and wide meta-fictional universe. Drawn from Great Britain's sights, the Harry Potter series applies itself readily to an unforgettable cultural experience. 

Nipissing University

Classic course, "Harry Potter" at Nipissing University looks at Harry Potter's multiple storylines, how they affect the protagonist's lives and how they unite. It also highlights recurring themes like racism, religious symbols and insists on striking a balance between love and friendship. 

Frostburg University

Frostburg University twists all these Harry Potter categories. Their "Harry Potter Education" class teaches children about the scientific concepts behind the series' mystical events. For example, students investigate the physics that enables Quidditch and the potential genetics associated with various magical creatures.

They investigate the land of magic and wonder, butterbeer and frogs of chocolate. Indeed, the Harry Potter world seems like such a wonderful place — until you think about it. 

Wilferd Laurier University

In the unique course In "Harry Potter and Medieval Culture" by Wilfrid Laurier, Students learn how the ancient objects, practices, and Harry Potter behavior are used. The class also explores how Harry Potter, through various forms of media, has influenced the way we see the Middle Ages. 

University of Waterloo

There is another interesting course by the University of Waterloo that Harry Potter fans can take. Neil Randall created "Popular Potter," who claimed that students would feel empowered by doing something they love. 

Students discuss the development of characters, the combination of genres, and different languages throughout the series, predominantly based on all seven novels.

University of Texas

"Fandom Rhetoric" is a course offered by the University of Texas where students can use Harry Potter as a guide to discuss how fandom shaped American culture. To evaluate how conflict exists and how they generate power online, various fandom cultures get discussed. 

It is an excellent class of people belonging to many fandoms because it applies to other fandoms like Twilight, Star Trek, and even One Direction.
