I am Chirag Pansuriya, a lifelong learner, an optimistic entrepreneur and an aspiring leader. Understanding that life in today’s time is dynamic and the world shrinking as it moves rapidly towards globalisation, I think the time is right for equipping myself with the technology, skills and mindset if I want to achieve my aim of creating a bright and successful future for myself, my community and my country.
The Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning offers an array of opportunities for students across various nationalities, races and faculties to experience well researched work-integrated learning methods which are ideal for learners like me who have a background of vocational experience. I, now, look forward to upgrading my skills to enable me to implement world class business practices in the business that I aspire to set up based in my home country India.
As I pursued my Bachelor in Technology, I discovered my strong aptitude towards the field of Information Technology, and keenly took up the opportunity to work as a Systems Administrator immediately on completion of my studies in July 2015 with DVKSP IMPEX PVT. LTD
Life was following the path that I had planned out when I joined Industrias G.E.S.A at Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, in West Africa in July 2018. The promotions and the paycheques both flowed in just as I had envisaged when I had opted for my admission in B-Tech in Agricultural Information Technology at Anand the only college offering this course in Gujarat, way back in 2011 June.
Being the younger son in my family, I have always been the more pampered one. My father, Mr.ManushkhbhaiPansuriya is a businessman and we have a well-established business in the Agro industry. My mother, Mrs.BhartibenPansuriyais a homemaker and my elder brother Mr.HardikPansuriya has completed his Engineering and is working as a Freelancer. Since my childhood, I have always seen my father revere the family farmland we own and strive to enhance and upgrade the quality of our agricultural produce, update our farming methods consistently and avail the latest equipment to ensure the best produce in the market. He is also a Broker at the APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) market at Gondal. Over a period of time as business opportunities grew, I realised that a professional understanding of the business tactics, and technology combined with my leaning towards a career in the Agro industry could give me an edge and help to take the family business to a higher growth. Today India, my country is at a stage where there are unlimited opportunities not only in the local and national markets but also the international market in terms of export.
My interest in studies and my participation in extracurricular activities had always been encouraged by my parents and my teachers. I completed my Senior Secondary from Gujarat Board with 70.92% in2009 and my Higher Secondary from Gujarat Board with 58% in 2011. I always had a keen interest in Information Technology and the lack of the application of the modern techniques in Agriculture always piqued me as I knew that across the world there was a methodical and corporatized approach towards Farming which was lacking in most parts of my state and country. Following my entrepreneurial learning, I opted for a Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Information Technology at Anand Agricultural University in Anand, The curriculum there had a weight-age of around 60% of Information Technology and around 40% of Agro applications with subjects like Project Management, Entrepreneurship Development. I scored a 6.14 OGPA in the bachelor’s programme.
I was keen to put my learning into my professional practice and joined DVKSP Pvt. Ltd. as a ‘System Administrator’ immediately on completion of my graduation. The promotion in 2017 to the position of a ‘Project Coordinator’ in DVKSP Pvt. Ltd. was a feather in my cap because it came in a short period and it increased my confidence in my skills and my technological know–how.
Following this, my thirst for learning grew and consequently, I honed my knowledge and understanding of International Business scenarios, understanding Marketing Analytics and Global Business development Strategies. I acquired both knowledge and certification from National and International courses on the application of my interest in sales and tech skills. Three years and a promotion to the position of the Project coordinator were followed by an international job opportunity in INDUSTRIAS G.E S.A. in West Africa as the ‘Business Development Manager’ which was difficult to turn down. The work stint at INDUSTRIAS G.E S.A. helped me to realise the magnum opportunities presented in the global market for Indian business and also strengthened my belief in my capability to shoulder a broader spectrum of responsibilities independently and confidently.
During my work experience, in the field of agriculture information technology, I realized that people with non technical backgrounds are able to build right deal or model but people with technical backgrounds were more successful and were able to understand and satisfy the customer requirements better, because they knew the exact process and technical details. Learning business skills gives a very good range of jobs.
Project management as a course renders specific and practical knowledge about how to manage a project and its resources. Project management helps a person learn the ropes about how one can manage a project and its resources, and lead it to success, while also considering the interest of the people involved in it. I have always wanted to build my career in the business field, for this dream to become a reality, I would need practical knowledge and experience that I aim at learning during my studies of Project management
However, I am more excited to develop my knowledge in exclusive subjects such as Procurement and Contract Management, and Organizational Behavior which are hardly available in my country on a practical basis.
Moreover, project management also helps in learning many transferable skills like, social relationship skills, leadership qualities, teamwork and collaboration skills, as well as help me gain a lot of practical experience, A Post Graduate degree in Project Management with a focus on formal theoretical and practical skills development such as planning and managing the scope of impact, the cost, and also understanding client expectation along with the latest organisational management practices will prove to be an exemplary tool to advance my career.
After much research, I have narrowed down on the Project Management at Conestoga. I shall here get an opportunity to enhance my skills and capacities as a Project Leader and an insight in the areas of corporate Project leadership.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a medical crisis back home, I had to return to India in February 2021. Thereafter, At this juncture in my career, I feel that I have developed the required communication skills, the technological know-how as well as the analytical skills to play an important role in any business endeavour of significant proportions.
After much research, I have narrowed down on the Project Management (1298) which is an Ontario College Graduate Certificate Course (Post- Graduate) program at Conestoga at the Doon Campus. I shall here get an opportunity to enhance my skills and capacities as a Project Leader and an insight in the areas of corporate Project leadership. A Post Graduate degree in Project Management with a focus on formal theoretical and practical skills development such as planning and managing the scope of impact, the cost and also understanding client expectations along with the latest organisational management practices will prove to be an exemplary tool to advance my career.
Canada is recognised today as one of the world’s most promising and leading destination for international education second only to the USA. It provides a conducive and nurturing environment for international students and celebrates the diversity of the people coming to its land regardless of race, colour, creed and nationality with the sole purpose of growth, education, research. A country which welcomes scholars from across the corners of the world, offers them the best of faculty and training opportunities, a well-researched instruction and assessment system undoubtedly supports students with a convenience for a healthy and peaceful living style, affordable living amenities for students, strong transport links, global exposure through festivals, music and cultural events, Canada is the perfect destination for helping me realise my dream of setting up my successful entrepreneurial endeavour in the field of Agro – business in my birthplace, my country.
Post the Covid-19 Pandemic, India has a tremendous potential to emerge as strong player in the field based on Agriculture and Produce. There is a large pool of investors and both local and foreign investments which can be utilised well for successful business models and well planned Projects and endeavours. I keep a regular track of the on-going market scenario in the Indian Agriculture and Export market and I am confident that equipped with a professional understanding of the global business tactics, and technology in the Agro industry combined with the clarity and understanding of universal economics and management techniques will give me an edge and help to take my family business to a higher level altogether. I intend to complete the course and equip myself with the skills and knowledge and return to my home country and join my family business and take it to a much larger platform.
I hope that the respected management finds my application to this program promising and grant me an opportunity to study in Canada and thus lead me near to my dream of entrepreneurial success.
Chirag. M. Pansuriya.
***end of sample***
Now that you have read it all, I am sure you are pretty serious in your business and will leave no room for sloppy writing. Be proud of yourself and go on writing now.
Happy Drafting Kid!