The Best Extracurriculars for Economics Majors

When pursuing a major in economics, engaging in extracurricular activities can greatly enhance your academic experience and complement your studies. Here are some of the best extracurriculars for economics majors that can broaden your perspective, develop critical skills, and expand your professional network:

A. Economics or Finance Clubs: 

Economics or Finance Clubs are excellent extracurricular options for students majoring in economics. These clubs provide a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and explore the fascinating world of economics and finance outside of the classroom. Here's a detailed overview of the benefits and activities typically associated with Economics or Finance Clubs:

1. Knowledge Expansion: Economics or Finance Clubs offer opportunities to expand your knowledge beyond what is covered in your coursework. Club activities may include guest lectures by industry professionals, faculty members, or alumni who can provide insights into various economic theories, financial markets, and real-world applications. These lectures expose you to diverse perspectives and help you stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the field.

2. Discussions and Debates: Clubs often organize discussions and debates on economic topics, allowing members to engage in intellectual discourse and explore different viewpoints. These sessions enhance critical thinking skills, encourage analytical reasoning, and provide a platform for students to share their opinions on pressing economic issues. It's an opportunity to deepen your understanding of economic concepts and learn from your peers.

3. Workshops and Skill-Building Activities: Economics or Finance Clubs frequently organize workshops and skill-building activities to enhance practical skills relevant to the field. These can include financial modeling, data analysis, statistical software training, or investment portfolio management. By participating in these activities, you can develop valuable quantitative and analytical skills that are highly sought after in the economics and finance industries.

4. Investment Simulations: Many Economics or Finance Clubs conduct investment simulations where members have the opportunity to learn about stock market investing, portfolio management, and risk assessment. These simulations provide hands-on experience in making investment decisions, analyzing market trends, and managing a virtual investment portfolio. It allows you to apply economic theories and financial concepts to real-world scenarios and gain practical insights into the dynamics of financial markets.

5. Networking and Professional Development: Economics or Finance Clubs often host networking events, career fairs, and panels featuring industry professionals. These events allow you to connect with individuals working in the field of economics, finance, banking, or consulting. Networking with professionals and alumni can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and mentorship. Club members may also have access to exclusive job listings or internships through club connections.

6. Research and Publication Opportunities: Some Economics or Finance Clubs may have research-focused initiatives where members can engage in collaborative research projects or contribute articles to club publications. Engaging in research allows you to delve deeper into specific economic topics, develop research skills, and potentially contribute to the academic discourse in the field. It's an excellent opportunity to showcase your intellectual curiosity and analytical abilities.

7. Competitions and Case Studies: Clubs may organize competitions or case study competitions related to economics or finance. These events challenge participants to apply their knowledge, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities to solve real-world economic or financial problems. Participating in such competitions hones your critical thinking, teamwork, and presentation skills while providing a practical understanding of applying economic principles.

8. Community Engagement: Economics or Finance Clubs can also engage in community service initiatives related to economics or finance education. This can include conducting financial literacy workshops for local schools or organizing events to raise awareness about economic issues within the community. Such activities not only make a positive impact but also demonstrate your commitment to the field and your ability to apply economic concepts to real-life situations.

Joining an Economics or Finance Club provides a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment for students passionate about economics. It allows you to deepen your knowledge, refine your skills, connect with professionals, and gain practical experiences that enhance your academic journey and future career prospects in economics and finance.

B. Research or Policy Institutes: 

Research or Policy Institutes are valuable extracurricular opportunities for students interested in economics. These institutes provide a platform for in-depth research, policy analysis, and intellectual discourse. Here's a detailed overview of the benefits and activities typically associated with Research or Policy Institutes:

1. Research Opportunities: Research or Policy Institutes offer students the chance to engage in rigorous academic research related to economics and public policy. You can collaborate with faculty members, researchers, and fellow students on projects that explore various economic phenomena, policy implications, or socioeconomic issues. These research experiences allow you to develop research skills, apply economic theories, and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

2. Policy Analysis and Development: Institutes often focus on policy analysis, examining the impact of economic policies on society and proposing recommendations for policymakers. As a participant, you'll have the opportunity to analyze economic data, evaluate policy proposals, and contribute to policy briefs or reports. This hands-on experience enhances your understanding of the practical application of economic principles and their implications for public policy decision-making.

3. Seminars and Workshops: Research or Policy Institutes frequently organize seminars, workshops, and conferences where experts from academia, government, and industry share their insights and research findings. Attending these events exposes you to diverse perspectives, cutting-edge research, and emerging trends in economics and public policy. It broadens your knowledge, stimulates critical thinking, and facilitates networking with professionals and researchers in the field.

4. Publications and Journals: Institutes often publish research papers, policy briefs, or journals focused on economics and public policy. Participating in a research or policy institute can provide you with opportunities to contribute to these publications. Publishing your work allows you to disseminate your research findings, gain recognition in the field, and strengthen your academic profile.

5. Internship and Fellowship Programs: Some research or policy institutes offer internship or fellowship programs where students can work closely with researchers or policy experts. These programs provide a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in economic research, policy analysis, and advocacy. Internships or fellowships can be valuable additions to your resume and offer exposure to the inner workings of research and policy institutions.

6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Research or Policy Institutes often bring together students and experts from various disciplines such as economics, political science, sociology, and public policy. This interdisciplinary environment fosters collaboration and enables you to gain insights from different perspectives. Collaborating with individuals from diverse academic backgrounds enhances your ability to approach economic issues from multiple angles, fostering innovative and comprehensive solutions.

7. Networking and Professional Connections: Engaging with a research or policy institute exposes you to a network of professionals, researchers, and policymakers in the field of economics and public policy. It provides opportunities to connect with individuals who share your interests and can serve as mentors or provide guidance for your academic and professional journey. Networking with professionals in the field can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations.

8. Contribute to Public Discourse: Research or Policy Institutes often aim to bridge the gap between academia and the wider community. They strive to inform public discourse on economic issues by disseminating research findings, organizing public lectures, or hosting panel discussions. Being involved in such initiatives allows you to engage with broader societal discussions, communicate complex economic concepts to the public, and contribute to evidence-based policy debates.

Joining a Research or Policy Institute provides a stimulating and intellectually challenging environment for students interested in economics and public policy. It allows you to deepen your understanding of economic principles, engage in cutting-edge research, and contribute to policy discussions. These experiences not only enhance your academic and research skills but also broaden your perspectives and prepare you for a future career in academia, government, think tanks, or research institutions.

C. Model United Nations (MUN) or Model European Union (MEU): 

Model United Nations (MUN) or Model European Union (MEU) simulations are highly regarded extracurricular activities that provide students with the opportunity to engage in diplomacy, international relations, and problem-solving on a global scale. Here's a detailed overview of MUN and MEU activities:

1. Simulating International Organizations: MUN and MEU simulations replicate the functions of international organizations such as the United Nations or the European Union. Participants represent different countries or member states and engage in debates, negotiations, and resolution drafting. These simulations aim to address global challenges, discuss international policies, and find cooperative solutions to real-world issues.

2. Enhancing Diplomacy and Negotiation Skills: MUN and MEU activities focus on honing diplomacy and negotiation skills. Participants must advocate for their assigned country's positions while engaging in diplomatic dialogue with other delegates. This requires researching, understanding different perspectives, and effectively articulating arguments to build alliances and reach consensus. These simulations promote effective communication, critical thinking, and the ability to persuade and influence others.

3. Deepening Knowledge of International Relations: MUN and MEU activities foster a deeper understanding of international relations and global affairs. Participants research and analyze complex global issues, such as peace and security, human rights, climate change, or trade policies. Through engagement in simulations, students explore the political, economic, and social dimensions of these issues, gaining insight into the interplay between nations and the challenges of international cooperation.

4. Developing Cultural Awareness and Empathy: MUN and MEU simulations provide a platform for participants to immerse themselves in different cultures, perspectives, and historical contexts. By representing various countries or member states, students gain a better understanding of diverse viewpoints and cultural sensitivities. This experience promotes empathy, tolerance, and the ability to collaborate across cultural boundaries.

5. Public Speaking and Debating Skills: MUN and MEU activities require participants to deliver speeches, engage in debates, and defend their positions persuasively. These simulations build public speaking skills, allowing students to articulate their ideas confidently, think on their feet, and respond to challenging questions. Students develop the ability to construct coherent arguments, critically analyze information, and present their viewpoints effectively.

6. Research and Policy Analysis: Successful MUN and MEU participation necessitates extensive research on assigned countries, policies, and global issues. Participants must be well-informed about their country's stance on various topics, understand historical context, and propose feasible solutions. This research and policy analysis component develops research skills, information literacy, and the ability to synthesize complex information into coherent arguments.

7. Networking and Cultural Exchange: MUN and MEU simulations provide ample networking opportunities with students from diverse backgrounds, fostering cultural exchange and creating lasting connections. Participants engage in social events, collaborative committees, and cultural nights, allowing them to build relationships, broaden perspectives, and develop global friendships. This network of international-minded peers can be valuable for future academic, professional, and personal pursuits.

8. Leadership and Organizational Skills: MUN and MEU simulations often require participants to take on leadership roles within committees or organizing teams. This provides opportunities to develop leadership and organizational skills, such as chairing committees, managing debate procedures, coordinating logistics, or drafting resolutions. These experiences nurture teamwork, decision-making, and the ability to handle complex responsibilities.

Participating in MUN or MEU simulations offers a holistic learning experience that combines knowledge of international relations, diplomacy, research skills, public speaking, and cultural awareness. These activities not only enrich your understanding of global issues but also foster skills that are highly transferable to academic pursuits, professional careers, and civic engagement. MUN and MEU simulations empower students to become globally-minded citizens and effective agents of change on an international scale.


Remember, the key is to pursue extracurricular activities that align with your interests and complement your academic goals. By engaging in these activities, you can expand your knowledge, develop transferable skills, and demonstrate your passion for economics beyond the classroom. These experiences will not only enrich your college years but also make you a well-rounded and competitive candidate in the job market or graduate school applications.
