The Best SAT Math Practice Tests and Questions

The Math section of the SAT can be challenging, but with the right preparation and practice, you can conquer it. One of the most effective ways to improve your SAT Math score is by utilizing practice tests and questions that closely resemble the actual exam. In this article, we will explore some of the best SAT Math practice tests and questions available, helping you sharpen your math skills and boost your confidence for test day.

1. The College Board Official SAT Study Guide:

The College Board Official SAT Study Guide is widely recognized as one of the best resources for SAT Math practice tests and questions. It is published by the organization that creates and administers the SAT, making it a highly reliable and accurate representation of the exam.

The Official SAT Study Guide includes eight full-length practice tests, with two of them being exclusively focused on Math. These practice tests closely resemble the content and format of the actual SAT Math section, providing students with an opportunity to simulate test conditions and assess their performance.

Within the Math sections of the practice tests, you will find a wide range of question types, covering various math concepts and skills tested on the SAT. This includes topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, data analysis, and more. The questions are designed to challenge students and mirror the level of difficulty they will encounter on the actual exam.

One of the significant advantages of using the Official SAT Study Guide is the detailed explanations provided for each question. After completing a practice test, you can refer to the answer key and explanations to understand the reasoning behind the correct answers. This helps you identify any mistakes you made, learn from them, and strengthen your understanding of the underlying math concepts.

In addition to the practice tests, the Official SAT Study Guide also offers a variety of practice questions throughout the book. These questions are categorized by topic, allowing you to focus on specific areas where you need more practice or review.

The College Board Official SAT Study Guide is a valuable resource for SAT Math preparation because it offers authentic practice materials created by the test makers themselves. By using this guide, you can become familiar with the SAT Math section's structure, content, and question types. It allows you to gauge your readiness for the exam, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and target areas that require further improvement.

To make the most of the Official SAT Study Guide, it is recommended to allocate sufficient time for practice and review. Take the practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the real testing environment. Afterward, thoroughly review the explanations for the questions you answered incorrectly or struggled with. This will help you understand the concepts better and refine your problem-solving strategies.

In conclusion, the College Board Official SAT Study Guide is an essential resource for students preparing for the SAT Math section. Its comprehensive practice tests and questions provide valuable opportunities to sharpen math skills, assess performance, and familiarize yourself with the exam format. By utilizing this guide effectively, you can enhance your SAT Math performance and increase your chances of achieving a high score.

2. Khan Academy SAT Math Practice:

Khan Academy SAT Math Practice is another excellent resource for students looking to enhance their SAT Math skills. Khan Academy, in collaboration with the College Board, offers a free and comprehensive online platform with a vast array of practice materials and resources.

One of the standout features of Khan Academy SAT Math Practice is its personalized learning experience. When you first access the platform, you have the option to link your College Board account or take a diagnostic test to assess your current skill level. Based on your results, Khan Academy generates a personalized study plan tailored to your specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that you focus on areas where you need the most improvement.

The practice questions provided by Khan Academy cover all the topics tested in the SAT Math section, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and data analysis. The questions are designed to align with the content and difficulty level of the actual exam. As you progress through the practice sets, the questions become more challenging, allowing you to gradually build your skills and confidence.

Khan Academy offers a variety of practice resources, including practice exercises, quizzes, and full-length practice tests. These practice materials are interactive and provide immediate feedback, allowing you to understand your mistakes and learn from them. The platform also offers step-by-step video explanations for many of the practice questions, helping you understand the concepts and problem-solving strategies more effectively.

In addition to the practice questions, Khan Academy SAT Math Practice provides instructional videos and lessons that cover the key math concepts tested on the SAT. These resources can be particularly helpful if you need a refresher on certain topics or want to deepen your understanding of specific math concepts.

Another advantage of Khan Academy SAT Math Practice is its flexibility. You can access the platform from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your own schedule. Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours, you can utilize Khan Academy's resources to practice and improve your SAT Math skills.

It's important to note that Khan Academy SAT Math Practice is designed to supplement your overall SAT Math preparation. While it provides a comprehensive set of practice questions and resources, it's beneficial to also incorporate other study materials, such as textbooks or additional practice tests, to ensure a well-rounded preparation strategy.

In summary, Khan Academy SAT Math Practice offers a highly personalized and accessible platform for students preparing for the SAT Math section. With its vast array of practice questions, quizzes, videos, and personalized study plans, Khan Academy helps students improve their math skills and develop effective problem-solving strategies. By utilizing this resource, students can enhance their SAT Math performance and increase their chances of achieving their target scores.

3. Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests:

Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests is a highly regarded resource for students seeking comprehensive and challenging practice materials to enhance their SAT Math skills. This resource offers a collection of practice tests specifically designed to simulate the format and difficulty level of the actual SAT Math section.

One of the key advantages of Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests is its focus on providing realistic SAT Math questions. The practice tests included in this resource closely resemble the types of questions you'll encounter on the actual exam. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the question styles, formats, and content, helping you build confidence and improve your performance on test day.

The practice tests offered by Ivy Global are comprehensive, covering all the major topics tested in the SAT Math section, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and data analysis. Each practice test consists of a variety of multiple-choice and grid-in questions, allowing you to practice different question formats and sharpen your problem-solving skills.

In addition to the practice tests, Ivy Global provides detailed answer explanations for each question. These explanations not only give you the correct answer but also provide step-by-step solutions and strategies to help you understand the concepts and problem-solving techniques involved. This feedback is invaluable for identifying your strengths and weaknesses, addressing any misconceptions, and improving your overall understanding of SAT Math concepts.

Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests also offer score conversion charts, which allow you to gauge your performance and estimate your SAT Math score. This feature can be particularly helpful for tracking your progress over time and identifying areas that require further improvement.

Furthermore, Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests come with additional resources such as concept reviews and formula sheets. These resources provide concise summaries of key math concepts and formulas tested on the SAT, serving as useful reference materials during your preparation.

It's worth noting that Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests are best suited for students who have already gained a solid understanding of the math concepts tested on the SAT. The practice tests are known for their challenging nature, often including questions that require higher-level thinking and problem-solving skills. Therefore, it's recommended to utilize Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests as part of a comprehensive study plan that incorporates other resources to build a strong foundation of math skills and familiarity with the SAT Math section.

In summary, Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests provide students with a collection of realistic and challenging practice tests that closely resemble the actual SAT Math section. With its comprehensive coverage of math topics, detailed answer explanations, and additional resources, Ivy Global SAT Math Practice Tests can be a valuable tool for students seeking to improve their SAT Math skills and achieve their desired scores.

4. PWN the SAT Math:

PWN the SAT Math is a highly recommended resource for students looking to excel in the SAT Math section. Created by SAT expert Mike McClenathan, this comprehensive guidebook offers a wealth of practice questions and strategies designed to improve your performance in SAT Math.

One of the standout features of PWN the SAT Math is its emphasis on providing clear and concise explanations for each question. The book offers detailed solutions and step-by-step walkthroughs for various problem types, allowing you to understand the underlying concepts and strategies required to solve them. This level of explanation helps you build a solid foundation of math skills and problem-solving techniques, ultimately boosting your confidence and performance on the SAT Math section.

PWN the SAT Math also offers a wide range of practice questions that closely mirror the types of questions you'll encounter on the actual exam. These questions cover all the major math topics tested in the SAT, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and data analysis. The book provides ample opportunity for you to practice different question formats, such as multiple-choice and grid-in questions, ensuring you become familiar with the diverse question styles and develop efficient strategies to tackle them.

In addition to the practice questions, PWN the SAT Math provides valuable tips and strategies to help you approach the SAT Math section effectively. The book offers insights into time management techniques, question categorization, and problem-solving approaches that can save you time and increase your accuracy. These strategies are designed to optimize your performance and maximize your score potential.

Furthermore, PWN the SAT Math also includes additional resources such as concept reviews, formula sheets, and targeted drills. These resources enable you to reinforce your understanding of key math concepts, review essential formulas, and focus on specific areas that require further practice.

It's important to note that PWN the SAT Math is primarily a guidebook rather than a standalone set of practice tests. While it provides a significant number of practice questions, it's recommended to supplement your study with official College Board practice tests or other comprehensive resources to ensure you gain exposure to a wide variety of question types and difficulty levels.

In summary, PWN the SAT Math is a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their SAT Math scores. With its clear explanations, comprehensive practice questions, and effective strategies, PWN the SAT Math equips you with the necessary tools to excel in the SAT Math section. By utilizing this resource alongside other practice materials, you can enhance your math skills, increase your confidence, and achieve your desired SAT Math score.

5. Dr. John Chung's SAT Math:

Dr. John Chung's SAT Math is a renowned resource among students preparing for the SAT Math section. Authored by Dr. John Chung, a test preparation expert, this book provides comprehensive practice tests and questions that effectively cover the key math concepts and skills tested on the SAT.

One of the standout features of Dr. John Chung's SAT Math is the extensive collection of practice questions it offers. The book includes a wide range of question types, including multiple-choice, grid-in, and extended thinking questions. These questions are carefully selected to reflect the content and format of the SAT Math section, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you'll encounter on test day.

Dr. John Chung's SAT Math not only offers a large number of practice questions but also provides detailed solutions and explanations for each question. The thorough explanations help you understand the underlying concepts and strategies required to solve each problem. This level of guidance is particularly helpful for identifying common pitfalls, learning alternative solution approaches, and reinforcing your understanding of math principles.

In addition to the practice questions, the book includes several full-length practice tests that simulate the actual SAT exam. These practice tests serve as valuable tools for assessing your progress, building test-taking endurance, and gaining a realistic sense of the timing and format of the SAT Math section. By regularly taking these practice tests under timed conditions, you can track your performance, identify areas for improvement, and refine your test-taking strategies.

Dr. John Chung's SAT Math also incorporates effective strategies and techniques to help you tackle the SAT Math section with confidence. The book provides tips for managing time efficiently, approaching complex problems, and avoiding common traps and distractions. By following these strategies, you can optimize your performance and maximize your score potential.

It's worth noting that while Dr. John Chung's SAT Math is a valuable resource for practice questions and strategies, it is recommended to supplement your study with official College Board practice tests and other reputable resources. This ensures that you have exposure to a wider range of question styles and difficulty levels, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the content and format of the SAT Math section.

In summary, Dr. John Chung's SAT Math is a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their performance in the SAT Math section. With its extensive collection of practice questions, detailed explanations, full-length practice tests, and effective strategies, the book equips you with the necessary tools to excel on the SAT Math section. By incorporating this resource into your study plan and combining it with other high-quality practice materials, you can enhance your math skills, boost your confidence, and achieve your desired SAT Math score.


Preparing for the SAT Math section requires dedicated practice and exposure to a variety of math problems. By utilizing the best SAT Math practice tests and questions, such as the ones mentioned above, you can build your math skills, gain familiarity with the test format, and improve your overall performance. Remember to analyze your mistakes, understand the underlying concepts, and develop effective problem-solving strategies. With consistent practice and a strong grasp of math fundamentals, you can approach the SAT Math section with confidence and maximize your score potential.
