Types Of Law Specializations

Animal Law
With the increasing awareness regarding the protection of animals and paying heed to their welfare, the demand for people qualified in Animal Law is also increasing. Licensed practitioners who can solve cases related to animal welfare are recruited by both the government and non-governmental organizations working towards the betterment of animals.
Administrative Law
With the modern legal practices and systems becoming more complex, it is the need of the hour to have more specialists in the said field. Every organization, from a sole proprietorship to a multinational business, needs someone to guide them through it. It explains why Administrative Law is one of the famous specializations in the law field. One gets to examine the modern administrative state in the aspect of its practical and legal foundation.
Admiralty (Maritime) Law
Transport through water has been used these days increasingly; this also poses a more significant threat to the security of international boundaries. It has given way to the body of Law called Maritime Law which essentially governs private maritime issues and other naval issues. The students get to acquaint themselves with domestic and international laws concerning ocean-going ships or personal vehicles.
Alternative Dispute Resolution:
It is one of the many specializations labeled as an advanced legal degree. One gets to learn how to resolve disputes (as the name suggests, ofcourse) through various strategies and tactics without requiring litigation, i.e., outside court premises. Such conflicts might be between individuals or commercial entities. If you are already a good negotiator, you may benefit from this specialization, as it complements your skill.
Business law
The candidates in this specialization get to learn all the legal asp[ets that are required for the functioning of a business organization. Undoubtedly, organizations are contained only on the lookout for good business lawyers. These people are fully equipped with the functioning of taxation, intellectual property, pensions and benefits, commercial papers, mergers and acquisitions regulations, etc.
Construction Law
While construction companies span the globe, it calls for professionals equipped in construction law across boundaries. Commercial awareness and enhancement of legal knowledge are a plus for those who take this specialization. As you deal with housing and infrastructure, you would be working closely with the society, dealing with contractors, brokers, sub-contractors, government entities, and developers.
Constitutional Law
One of the broad specialization within the Law field is studying constitutional Law. It is a branch that covers the functioning of ruling bodies and their interrelated strings. It consists of an in-depth dive into the importance of the country's constitutional Law.
Corporate Compliance
This specialization enables you to work in the field and look after if corporate institutes are complying with all the regulatory and licensing requirements. It has to be verified from all the aspects like that of country, state, and company. The government generally hires these specialists to prevent and detect a breach of laws and regulations by companies. Also, at times giant firms hire them themselves to get rid of any fines and lawsuits at a later stage that may be borne due to their negligence or missed adherence to lawful behavior.
Criminal Law
One of the oldest and extremely popular specializations in Law is criminal Law. While a non-specialist might find it fascinating, law students think twice before opting for it. That is because of the subjects that it is formed of like criminal psychology, forensic sciences, criminal justice, criminal procedures, and the like. It is generally believed to be very taxing on the mind too. However, they contribute a lot to society and help individuals from other law specializations as they join the dots.
The rise of cyberattacks is leading to an increase in the demand for cybersecurity professionals. Legal statutes are shifting regarding financial security, data privacy, and social media connectivity. This specialization helps students understand the intricacies of digital world fundamentals and its upcoming role and threats.
Environment law: if you are an environmental advocate and a lawyer by profession, this specialization is for you. You can combine your passion for making this world a better place with your professional degree. Protecting humans while preserving the environment is what the subject consists of. One of the many growing legal sectors is Environmental Law. It broadly includes regulation of natural resources, environmental policies, and climate change initiatives. Also, broad areas within this specialization revolve around sustainable development, environmental policy, and oil, gas, and energy law.
Education Law
Essentially, it deals with educational policy, rights, and equality. Professionals who have specialized in the branch of Education within the field of Law can work on equal education opportunity, gender or racial discrimination, school finances, special Education, etc. Knowledge of the Law must create good educational policy and reforms. Educational policymakers and practitioners turn to lawyers as state and federal agencies are involved in decision-making.
Family Law
Family Law involves many family issues, including marriage, divorce proceedings, legal custody and adoption, distribution of assets, and ownership. Topics in this law specialization broadly revolve around domestic relationships of adults, like regulation of eligibility to marry, legal treatment of spouses in an ongoing marriage, right of procreational privacy, divorce, child custody, child support, financial obligations while divorcing, and intimate nonmarital relationships.
Health Law
The students opting for this specialization generally study aspects related to dealing with various aspects of health care, including caregivers' practices and patients' rights. Any healthcare lawyers are generalists who handle various legal and regulatory matters raised by healthcare providers and payors. The branches within the law specialization also exist, although some decide to specialize in only one area, like regulatory or antitrust issues in health care.
International Law
Specialization in International Law will give you the skills necessary to navigate the legal system at the international level. Students can better understand relations between States and with other actors at the international level. They can affect society in various ways, both internationally and at the domestic level.
Labor and Employment
It is a law specialization that helps in the understanding of the purpose and function of the labor law, industrial functions, basic conditions of employment, statutory and non-statutory dispute resolution, and resolution of any discrimination of equity in employment. Representing employers in the private and public sectors and representing labor unions involves workforce issues such as employment contracts, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, wage and hour and leave,
Mergers and Acquisitions
M&A is usually a major event in the life of a firm. The course covers contract, corporate, and securities law issues relevant to mergers and acquisitions of large companies, both public and private. Structuring and Leading Deals prepares lawyers to understand, predict, and strategize around M&A transactions thoroughly. Structuring and Leading Deals prepares lawyers to understand, better predict fully, and strategize around M&A transactions.
Trusts and Estates
Topics covered in trust law may include formation; parties; beneficiaries; resulting trusts; constructive trusts; discretionary trusts; trust protectors; Estate Planning and Probate Law involves issues related to conserving and protecting property through wills and trusts, how the trusts law is used by commercial entities, banks and other financial institutions and large corporations.
Most people develop the ability to think uber-logically after attending law school. So, it is not surprising to see many lawyers become exceptional writers after getting their law degrees. Take, for instance, Josh Berman, who wrote CSI. He did his law school at Stanford and has credited his success in writing to doing his Law. It is so because their mid are trained to think intricately and logically. Even writing brief legal demands the ability to connect the dots and weave the arguments and theories. High-cost health systems and insurance across the world are widely regarded as unsustainable. Also, health care contributes to a significant percentage of GDP. In such a scenario, the demand for people who can intersect Law with health and insurance are rising.