10 Most Unusual College degrees offered in the UK

What Comes to Your Mind When it comes to college degrees? When we all hear the word "college degree," we think about Engineering, medical, sociology, architecture. There are many colleges, especially in the UK, which Offer you Unusual College degrees. You can call these degrees unique, exciting, and in some cases, weird.
In this article, we'll explain to you 10 Unusual college degrees. So let's get started:
Music Management (European School of Economics)
The field of music is innately formless and rapidly evolving. This short course in Music Management provides students with a natural working structure to guide them through this bewildering maze of music talents worldwide. This course aims to meet student's needs who wish to pursue a business and management career in the music and media industries.
Check it out: http://www.eselondon.ac.uk/short-courses/music-management/
MBA In Arts Management (Trinity Saint David University of Wales)
Suppose you are interested in exploring today's arts and culture issues in-depth, the MBA of Arts management, both a full-time and part-time academic program. It aims to develop your management skills and strengthen their performance into a broader context of art management issues in the UK ad beyond.
It also develops your intellectual skills, including critical reasoning, analysis, creativity, and reflection within a firm academic foundation.
Check it out: www.trinityandsaintdavid.ac.uk/en/courses/postgraduatecourses /mbaartsandmanagement
Land Economy: Environment, Law, And Economics (University of Cambridge)
This program deals with law economics and its relationship with the natural environment at the heart of it. The course also includes:
- Business regulation principles.
- Financial aspects of real estate and matters of international development.
- Several other areas of focus.
MSc In Earthquake Engineering (Imperial College London)
Does that magnitude of earthquakes impress or interest you? MSc in earthquake engineering provides training in the analysis, design, and assessment of the structures under seismic actions and other extreme loading conditions.
The syllabus covers a comprehensive set of structural engineering topics, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, soil dynamics, and advanced numerical techniques.
Check it out: www3.imperial.ac.uk/
MSc In Entomology And MSc In Integrated Pest Management (Imperial College London)
The Silwood Park Campus is for graduates in a biological environment or related subject science. It is a 19-week program, and You can complete it at Imperial or any other affiliated university in London. The good news is that most of the students have gone to work in the crop protection sector, or of course, you could also do your Ph.D.
Check it out: www.qub.ac.uk/home/Studyatqueens/Coursefinder/UCF2012-13/?y+1213&id=W340&rp=az
MSc In Food Security (University of Edinburgh)
Learn about the factors that affect and are affected by food security. These include the agronomic, environmental, economic, and socio-political factors. It is your chance to contribute to humanity's efforts to achieve and sustain food security in the future.
Ba Major, Joint And Minor Honour In Ethnomusicology (Queen'sQueen's University Belfast)
Now, that's a really funny-sounding course name. However, it's fascinating as it explores world music's various social and cultural dimensions.
Fieldwork and music analysis illuminates politics, gender, meaning, aesthetics, and social organization. Inc case you were wondering, all kinds of music get investigated in the courses!
Check it out: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofHistoryandAnthropology/ProspectiveStudents/UndergraduateStudies/Ethnomusicology/
ME (Hons) In Motorsports Engineering (The University of Central Lancashire)
Accelerate your brain with a 4-year fill time Bachelors' Programme concerned with providing the expertise to progress to the levels in a wide variety of motorsports companies and engineering industries.
For this, there is a full accreditation with 2 engineering Council institutions while maintaining the same commitment to real racing and real engineering.
Check it out: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/information/courses/beng_motor_sports_engineering.php
BSc in Applied Golf Management Studies (University of Birmingham)
The University of Birmingham offered the course in collaboration with PGA (Professional Golfers' Association). The course mostly teaches equipment technology, applied sports science, human resources and marketing, and even business management.
Equestrian Psychology and Sports Science (Nottingham Trent University)
The meaning of "Equestrian" is horse riding. This course is to understand the horse's psychology, which makes it easy for a human to understand them. This course will make you a sport scientist and horse psychologist.
At last, we can say that there are many unusual things to study. For some, it could be fascinating, and for some, it could be weird. We all are not the same, neither our interest.