SAT Writing & Language: Rhetorics
Organization and Structure
There are five types of questions that will be asked in this section:
1. Sentence Improvement Questions
A couple of questions on every SAT test will require you to improve a particular sentence by reordering the words for clarity and proper grammar. These questions usually go like this:
- The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
- All of the following would be acceptable placements for the underlined portion EXCEPT:
Sometimes, the whole sentence is underlined, and you’re picking out the entire sentence from the answer choices.
The general strategy to approach sentence improvement questions is as follows:
- Place the underlined portion after the thing to which it applies
- If you’re picking out an entire sentence, ensure any misplaced or confusing phrases are placed after the things to which they apply
- Always read the sentence for its meaning and to ensure it makes sense.
Example 1
During summer camp, I would talk to the other campers about friends back home living in the cabin.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
A. where it is now
B. after the word talk
C. after the word campers
D. after the word friends
Solution: Who’s living in the cabin? The campers. Therefore, we should put the underlined phrase after campers. The correct answer is C.
Example 2
Many strains of microbes found in the deep ocean deadly to life have evolved to survive in conditions on the planet’s surface.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
A. where it is now
B. after the word conditions
C. after the word survive
D. after the word surface
Solution: The author’s intent is to say that these microbes survive in conditions that would normally be deadly to humans. Therefore, we place the phrase next to what it applies to – deadly next to “conditions” and life next to “on the planet’s surface.” The correct answer is B.
Example 3
In the current economy, downsizing our workforce would not be advisable.
All of the following would be acceptable placements for the underlined portion EXCEPT
A. where it is now
B. after the word workforce
C. after the word advisable
D. after the word downsizing
Solution: Placing the underlined phrase between “downsizing” and “our workforce” would make for an awkward interruption. The correct answer is D.
2. Sentence Order Questions
All sentence order questions will ask you where a sentence should be placed in a passage. The strategy for answering these type of questions follows:
- Determine the topic of the sentence you’re being asked about: Focus on the keywords or phrases in the question.
- Go through the answer choices. The most important thing is to read the sentences before and after the insertion point.
- Eliminate wrong choices
- The right choice should logically follow the sentence before and connect to the following sentence. Use chronological order or order of events when applicable.
Example 4: A New Watch Company
[1]After a year of living on futons and eating ramen, the founders at Hourglass decided that antique watches weren’t profitable enough to sustain a business. [2] Instead, they decided to invest in modern designs, create new watches, and market them at a discount online. [3] Hourglass soon skyrocketed to success. [4] Within a year, it broke ten million dollars in revenue and announced its intent to expand overseas. [5] A lot of existing watch companies are now looking to buy out this company that was once on the verge of bankruptcy. [6]With those plans in place, the company began to attract the young and fashionable crowd, as well as celebrities looking for the next trend.
For the sake of the logic and coherence of the paragraph, sentence 6 should be:
A. placed where it is now
B. placed after sentence 1
C. placed after sentence 2
D. placed after sentence 4
Solution: Note that sentence 6 refers to “those plans,” so your natural thought should be, “What plans?” Sentence 6 only makes sense if it’s placed next to another sentence that defines what those plans are. The only sentence that does so logically is sentence 2. Therefore, the correct answer is C.
Example 5: Surrender of the Vietnamese
[1] The Mongols tried to conquer Vietnam at various points in the second millennium. [2] The first time, they were repelled by the unknown landscape and intemperate climate. [3] When they came back better prepared, the Vietnamese scared them off by setting fires to their encampments. [4] The Mongols finally succeeded twice in the late 13th century, but mysteriously left each time. [5] It wasn’t until the 19th century that the Vietnamese were full conquered - by the French. [6] On their third return, they were routed by the genius of the Vietnamese generals at the battle of Bach Dang.
For the sake of the logic and coherence of the paragraph, sentence 6 should be:
A. placed where it is now.
B. placed after sentence 1.
C. placed after sentence 2.
D. placed after sentence 3.
Solution: This is an example of putting things in chronological order, from first to last. Sentence 6 begins with “On their third return,” which means that it should be placed after the narrator has talked about the first and second attempt. The second time the Mongols tried to conquer Vietnam is discussed in sentence 3, so the correct answer is D.
Example 6: Computer Designers
[1] A basic understanding of computer programming is essential. [2] In fact, many designers initially begin their pursuits as programmers. [3] Consider taking some general computer science courses as well as courses in artificial intelligence and graphics in order to increase your understanding of the technical challenges involved in developing a video game. [4] Courses in psychology and human behavior may help you develop emphatic collaboration skills, while courses in humanities, such as literature and film, should give you the background necessary to develop effective narrative structures. [5] A designer also needs careful educational preparation. [6] Finally, because a designer should understand the business aspects of the video game industry, such as budgeting and marketing, you may want to consider taking some business courses. [7] Although demanding and deadline driven, video game design can be a lucrative and rewarding field for people who love gaming and have prepared themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge.
To make the paragraph most logical, sentence 5 should be:
A. placed where it is now
B. placed before sentence 1
C. placed after sentence 3
D. DELETED from the paragraph.
Solution: In answer choice B, the paragraph would start with “a designer also needs careful educational preparation”. The rest of the paragraph is about the education that a designer needs to be successful. That sentence is a good introduction - The correct answer is B.
3. Inserting Sentences
You will also be asked on the SAT to identify where in a passage a new sentence should be added. The strategy to answer these questions is similar:
- Read the sentence to be inserted and paraphrase the topic of that sentence - there will probably be keywords or a phrase.
- Plug the sentence into each spot listed in the answer choices and eliminate whatever does not fit
- Plug in the sentence into the remaining answer choices to check to see whether the surrounding sentences contain that word or phrase. The sentence will almost certainly have to be placed next to a sentence that includes the topic word or phrase.