Brown University Admission Requirements: An Ultimate Guide

Many students across the World wish to study in Ivy League Universities. One of these Universities is Brown University. Brown is one of the most prestigious colleges in the USA and around the World. You may be the one who wants to pursue further studies at Brown University. For this, you need to know what's required to get admitted to Brown.
Therefore, in this blog, we'll see what Brown is looking for, its score requirements, application requirements, and everything else related to the admissions. But before this, let's take an overview of Brown University.
Brown University Overview
Founded in 1764, Brown University located in Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
As per the "2021 US news ranking", Brown is the 14th best University in the USA. As per the "2021 QS World University Ranking," Brown is the World's 60th best University.
The tuition fee for admitted students in Brown is $60,696 (2020-21). The total enrollment in the school is 10,333. 6:1 is the student to faculty ratio in Brown. It means there is one faculty for every six students, which leads to very personalized attention to each student. 69% of classes in Brown consist of fewer than 20 students.
Brown University has notable names in the World as its alumni. Some notable alumni are Emma Watson, Ted Turner, Bobby Jindal, Andrew Yang.
Now, Let's see what Brown is looking for in its students.

What Is Brown Looking For In A Student?
Brown doesn't say upfront what they are looking for in a student. To understand what Brown is looking for, we need to understand the University's mission. To know the mission, please see the below image.

After reading the school's mission, we found two things Brown will look for in an applicant. The following are the two things:
Community contributor:
The mission of the Brown University is to serve the community of the country and the World. One way to do it is through the students. They are looking for students who are not the ones who only focus on their own career but also and want to contribute to the World from the knowledge they gained.
Thus, when watching the student's Application, they may consider the student's ability and willingness to contribute to the community. Any student who had an interest in giving something to the community will get more attention than others.
Working with others:
The mission of the school also talks about a unified community of students and teachers. The unified community will work to give something to the World. It clearly says that Brown wants their student to work with other students and also with the teachers. Hence, Brown will analyze how good you are working in a team.
Therefore, when you apply for admission, try to show how good you are in both of these things. Having both of these things in you will definitely increase your chance of getting admitted.
Brown SAT Score Requirements:
Brown University is an intensely competitive school when it comes to scores requirements. The SAT 25th percentile of this college is 1440. It means only less than 25% of students admitted scores below 1440. The SAT 75th percentile of Brown is 1570, which means around 75% of students score less than 1570. The average (50th Percentile) SAT score of Brown we could find is 1505.
You can also focus on the 25th percentile and 75th percentile in both sections. For Math, the 25th percentile is 740, and the 75th percentile is 800.
For EBRW, the 25th percentile is 700, and the 75th percentile is 770. Here, we can see to gain the same percentile score; you need to gain more marks.
If one section is weak, then try to score better in the other section. So, even if you get more marks than needed in one section but less in another, you may still come to the required composite score.

SAT Score Policy:
One thing you should know, every college has its SAT score policy. In the case of Brown, they support "score choice." In this policy, you can send any SAT scores you attempted.
Within SAT, Brown also does superscoring. It means the school will consider the highest section score among all SATs you've attempted.
For example, if you took the SAT exam twice, for the first attempt, the composite score is 1550. In the score of 1550, 785 is of Math, and 765 is of EBRW. In the second attempt, he again receives 1550 as a composite SAT score. But this time, he received 765 in Maths and 785 in EBRW.
Thus, your highest Math score is on your first attempt, and the highest score in EBRW is on the second attempt. And as Brown has a policy of superscoring, they will consider each subject's highest score.
Hence, Brown will take your Math score as 785 and EBRW as 785. It will benefit the student as the score gets raised by 20 points, which now became 1570.
Thus, due to the superscoring policy, it's best to retake the SAT examination. It gives you a great chance to raise your score.
Brown ACT score Requirements:
Every school also has a 25th and 75th percentile score for the ACT. Brown's composite 25th percentile and 75th percentile scores are 33 and 35, respectively. Thus, the average composite ACT score for Brown is 34. Brown doesn't have any minimum score requirements, but a lot less score than given will make conditions hard for you to get admitted.
The composite score of ACT is an average of all 4 section scores. Hence, to get the required composite, you need to score almost the same in every section.
Brown ACT score policy
Brown considers your highest ACT score. Here, you can attempt the ACT exam many times and can send only the highest ACT score. Thus, similarly to SAT, you should go for more than one ACT attempt.
Brown GPA Requirements
You need a strong GPA to get admitted to Brown. The GPA required for Brown is 3.94 on a scale of 4. You will not get this much score, except you are in the top students of your class. If you're sure that you are not getting this much GPA score, focus on gaining more marks in SAT / ACT.
After knowing the score requirements of Brown, let's see the application requirements.
Brown University Application Requirements
The following are the required things for the Application:
Complete your Application via the Common Application.
Common Application is a portal from where you can apply for your desired college. To apply for Brown, you need to register in Common App and add Brown University to your college list.
While applying, you need to do three things:
- Fill in the common form, which is a requirement for all schools.
- Answer the specific questions asked by Brown University
- Get your school form submitted by your school counselor or academic instructors.
Request School Forms
There are various school forms you need to submit by your school counselor. The following is the list of school forms you need to submit:
- High School Transcript
- School Report
- Midyear School Report (It includes final grades for fall courses, plus, list of your spring courses).
- Counselor Recommendation
- Two Teacher Evaluations/Recommendations (This should be from the teachers who taught a significant subject like Science, Math, etc.).
- Bachelor of Science and PLME Recommendations (at least from one Math or Science teacher).
- First Quarter/Trimester Grades.
You can submit all this in a common application form.
Standardized Tests
Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, Brown has made standardized test-optional. It means it's up to you to give the SAT/ACT exams. Even if you cannot provide the exam, you will not go to any disadvantage; the college will see other factors.
If you gave the exam and submitted the score report, it will get considered in the context of all additional information provided in the report.
You can submit the score in the common app.
Supplementary Materials
You could add additional supplementary material if you accomplished something in Music or Arts. You can submit this in Common Application through Slideroom. Per email ID, SlideRoom only accepts one submission. If you want to offer two, you need to sign up with a second email account.
$75 application fee or a fee waiver
While applying to Brown University, you need to submit a $75 application fee or a fee waiver. Please note that this will be a non-refundable fee. There's an automatic application fee waiver available to students.
With all this also check the important dates:
- November 1 (11:59 p.m (local time of applicant)) - Deadline for Early Decision application.
- December 17 - Early Decision letter will be available online.
- January 5 (11:59 p.m (local time of applicant)) - Deadline for Regular Decision application.
- April 6 - Regular Decision letter will be available online.
- May 3 - Regular Decision candidates commitment deadline
Brown admission process:
Brown University review file of every applicant holistically and in context. The admission staff will see everything which you provide to them to evaluate your Application.
The college will see the accomplishment you had in your high school with the available resources and opportunities for you. They will also evaluate how capable you are of the thriving rigorous environment of the University. All the Application components are essential, but the most crucial part that will influence the admission decision is your high school's accomplishment.
The school will be more interested in how you performed in high school and your preparedness. They will not only look at your high school grades but will go beyond that. Brown will also have an interest in knowing how well you are at certain skills associated with learning.
They will review your teacher's recommendation to know:
- Your curiosity
- Problem-solving abilities
- openness to various points of view
- written and oral Ability to express yourself
- Work ethic
They also want to know how you challenge yourself while taking advanced classes. They'll see what advantage you've taken from the courses available to you. And also how you stretched yourself outside the classroom.
Brown University Acceptance Rate:
One more thing you need to know is the acceptance rate. The acceptance rates show the percentages of students who get admitted to the college. The prestigious colleges are very selective while choosing the applicants. And as Brown University is a world-renowned college, the acceptance rate is pretty low.
The current regular acceptance rate of Brown is 7%. It means, in every 100 applicants, only 7 get selected.
The early application acceptance rate for the class of 2025 of Brown is 16%. So as we see, the percentage of early applicants selected is very high. Although, keep in mind that this may be because the students who apply early are brighter.
Both of these acceptance rates are decreasing year after year. It may go even lower in the following years.
In short: many apply, but a few get selected. You could be among a few who get admitted to brown if you work hard.
What if Not Accepted?
Suppose Brown University won't accept you. Does it mean you can't get admission? No. There is still another option you can try. However, we're not saying it'll get you right in as a guarantee but seeing as how it's not the usual option; you can give it a go. Here it is:
Alternative Option: Attend a different college and transfer to Brown University later
You can try applying for a different college and transferring to Brown University later. The requirements for transferring are here. Before you go happy about this, note that the transfer acceptance rate is 3%.
You have to remember that Brown University will have another look at you because you're transferring, and they may reject your application at the last minute. But if you can show them how much you've changed and grown over the past year while being with a different college, they might give you another chance.
When you think about it, Brown University is a great college. After all, it can give its students freedom to choose how they want to do their course via the course curriculum. They seek out unique students, they're all about diversity, and they show that with its rich tapestry of history, it can let the students plot their future with the steps.
Yep, it's hard getting into this college, but with the guide we got for you, you may be able to prove to Brown University you got what it takes to be one of them!