Is a 3.4 GPA Good? | List of Colleges That Accept 3.4 GPA

Students often wonder whether a 3.4 GPA is good and what colleges you can get into with a 3.4 GPA?
Take a look at the comprehensive and detailed guide of the GPA. We'll discuss:
- Which colleges you can get accepted with a 3.4 GPA.
- Know how you can improve your GPA.
- Know what you should be doing to increase your chances of getting into the best colleges.
In contrast to standardized test scores like SAT/ACT, GPA systems vary from college to college. Some use weighted GPAs, while others use unweighted GPAs. In this guide, we'll talk about unweighted GPAs.
We will explain to you in the below guide that the actual GPA number is just one attribute of your coursework. The difficulty of your coursework is crucial - the more complicated your classes, the more colleges are willing to accept your dip in GPA.
Finally, even though this article focuses on a 3.4 GPA, our advice is the same for GPAs like 3.42 and 3.38 GPAs. You can use this article for all GPAs between 3.35 and 3.44.
What Grade is a 3.4 GPA?
A 3.4 GPA is 89%, or B+ average, and shows that you've likely earned a combination of high B and low A grades in all classes.
How Good Is a 3.4 GPA?
If your GPA is 3.4, your GPA is greater than the national average of 3.0, so you will have a much better chance of getting accepted to the number of colleges. If you are a 3.0, you can always ask a trusted Essay Writer for help.
We've examined the student profiles of 1500+ colleges across the United States and its students' average GPA. Here's how a 3.4 GPA compared to the country:

The national average for GPA is around 3.0, so a 3.4 puts you above average nationally. Remember that the 3.0 national average stands for all students, not just students applying to college, so the average GPA of students submitted to colleges is higher than the national average.
Evaluation of Your Grade Level If You Have a 3.4 GPA
A good starting GPA as a freshman, but you still have room for improvement! Your GPA has the promise to change quite a bit between now and when you apply to college if you work towards it.
You are heavily above average. However, it may be challenging to change your GPA at this point, and you might still be able to improve your GPA before you apply to college. Your junior year is an excellent opportunity to take more challenging classes and put in the effort before you have to send your application to college.
Your GPA is not likely to change much between now and when you send in college applications. With a 3.4, you'll have a few options for college, although the top schools may be out of reach. Explore the schools where you might apply in the next section so that you can know what your admission chances might look like.
If you want to know your chances of admission, look up the college I've mentioned in the next section, see whether you can expect a positive result on your applications. A 3.4 will give you a great chance at getting accepted to relatively selective schools.
What colleges can you get admitted to with a 3.4 GPA?
It's probably the most confusing and crucial question that comes to students. With a 3.4 GPA, what colleges can you get into? What are the chances of admission at your top-choice schools?
Calculate your chances of getting on this acceptance calculator. It will help you understand your chances of getting accepted into any college in the country, and it's completely free.
Enter your SAT/ACT scores and GPA to see where you fall on the acceptance scatterplot.
How Can You Improve Your Chances With a Better Score?
At AP Guru, we've developed Our Flagship SAT Prep Program and have helped 6,000+ students with their SAT Prep, increasing their average score by 210 points.
Also, check out Our Flagship ACT Prep Programs, where we have helped more than 3,000+ students on their ACT Prep, increasing their score on an average by +7 points.
It doesn't matter if you're new to SAT/ACT or want to learn advanced strategies. It is your hub for SAT/ACT knowledge and mastery. Start your SAT and ACT training now.
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Is it Possible to Improve Your GPA?
Honestly saying: GPAs aren't easy to improve. The more senior you are in high school, the less your GPA will change before applying to college.
For example, if you're presently a junior in high school, your grades in freshman and sophomore year will secure your GPA so that your junior rates won't be able to change your total GPA much.
Here's a calculator for you to see GPA Planning Calculator, which you can use to discover the minimum GPA required in future courses to improve GPA to a certain level or maintain the GPA above a certain level.
Conclusion: Final Essential Advice
If you're a Freshman
Your GPA is high enough that you won't be facing any trouble finding some good options for yourself in the college application process. Although, you're still a couple of years away from your application deadlines.
Always avoid getting proud, continue improving your grades, and challenging yourself in your courses. Although your GPA is great, you have significant room to improve!
You'll impress colleges and universities if you put in a lot of effort and work smart after this year. In the end, you should be happy with how well you're doing. Keep up the excellent work, and don't be afraid to be more determined.
If you're a Sophomore
Based on the evaluations in this guide, you're doing well. By your sophomore year, you've built some good study models that are likely to stay in place for the rest of high school.
You still have all of your junior years to show improvement in your classes before applying to college. So do the best to take on new difficulties so you can get to your academic potential. Between now and senior fall, your GPA still has the potential to increase further.
If you're a Junior
If you've gone through this guide, you will know that your current GPA leaves you with many options for college. This year, you can develop a list of potential schools with an intelligent distribution of safety, probable, and reach opportunities.
It is a perfect time to focus on standardized tests. If you manage to improve your scores you're happy with before the end of junior year, you should relax as seniors navigating the college application process.
Stay focused this year and focus on increasing your grades to show persistence and improvement for high school. If your scores have improved, you will be able to get into a wide variety of schools next year.
If you're a Senior
Overall, you should get satisfied with your performance in high school. As you will start the application process, make sure that your school list gives you a few safe options. With your GPA, you will get accepted at most schools. However, top colleges may be out of reach.
At this stage, you've must have already taken the SAT or ACT at least once. If you feel that you still have a chance, you can retake these tests your senior year.
Many colleges will permit you to send in scores as late as February after submitting your application. In any case, as long as you are responsible for planning out your applications and test dates, you have every reason to expect good news in the spring!
List of 3.4 GPA Colleges
This list shows 743 colleges where your 3.4 GPA is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have an excellent chance to get accepted, but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges.
The list filtered out by admission chance for 1,926 target schools (good luck), 346 reaches (harder) schools, and 952 safety (more accessible) schools you can consider.